Sunday, August 28, 2011

Project Brasil! Becoming King Leonidas!

This is more for me to keep track of what i'm doing and motivate myself to keep going. I will be going to Brasil in December after 14 years away from family and friends and I want to be in the most absolute best shape of my life!

Last year in November i thought i was going to Brasil and I quit the gym to do p90x and i did it for 120 days non stop. I didn't cheap on my diet for the first 2 months. the remaining 2 months i would have a cheat meal one day a week. At the end of 4 months I ended up losing 14 pounds. funny 14 years away from Brasil and i lost 14 pounds. I don't really need to lose any weight this time around but i want to make my abs perfect and put on some mass on my arms, shoulders, legs and chest.

A month ago i was going to do p90x again but i ended up stopping after a week in a half cuz i couldn't concentrate and my f'd up right leg from the motorcycle accident i had. Now i'm 95 days away from Brasil and I dont want to screw around anymore. Time to put in work!

Going to the kitchen now to cook for the week! Here we go! Project Brasil! Becoming King Leonidas!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuna tip

Choose a tuna packed in water, not in oil to reduce calories. Chunk light tuna has less mercury than albacore tuna and is the better tuna option. Pregnant women and children should limit chunk light tuna to 12 oz per week and albacore tuna to no more than 6 oz per week due to the higher level of mercury that may be harmful to young children and a fetus. Tuna and salmon are also both great sources of heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Read a Nutritional Label

read nutritional food labels factsSo i found this really awesome article today by Sharon Chamberlin and I knew a lot of people could make great use of this so here you go. Enjoy and learn!

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires labeling for most prepared foods including breads, cereals, desserts, drinks, and canned and frozen foods. Labeling raw produce such as fish, fruits and vegetables is voluntary. Dietary supplements must follow separate labeling requirements, which is beyond the scope of this article.

When looking at a nutrition label, it is important to understand what the numbers mean and how they will affect your goals. The information given here is an overview. For help with specific questions, contact a nutrition coach, a nutritionist, or a physician.

The first step is to look at serving size. Often times the serving size is not realistic in most people’s minds. For instance, one serving of ice cream is ½ cup. Look at your ½ cup measuring cup. Now look at the size of the bowl you usually use to eat ice cream from. How does the bowl compare with the measuring cup? Is this what you expected?

read nutritional food labels factsNext on the nutrition label is to learn if the food or drink in the package is one serving or 2, 3 or more? In the example of the Minute Maid Orange Juice food label to the right, the bottle is 15.2 fluid ounces but is 2 servings. This is another example of how the serving size could easily be smaller than you expect.

Fat. The total fat in grams is listed. There are 9 calories in one gram of fat so if you take the total fat in grams and multiply it by nine, this is the total fat from calories you see. The American Heart Association recommends that you get no more than 30% of your daily calories from fat. The breakdown of types of fat is as follows:

  • Less than 10% of your daily calories from saturated fat.

  • No more than 10% of your daily calories from polyunsaturated fat.

  • 10 to 15% of your daily calories from monounsaturated fat.

Eliminating or limiting your trans-fats is strongly suggested. Scientific reports link trans fat and saturated fat with raising blood LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels which increases your risk of coronary heart disease.

Nutrients. The amounts of each are listed, and the percent of daily value given is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet. If your daily target calories are 1,500 then you only need 75% of the recommended daily value, and you should take this into consideration when choosing your foods and your portion sizes. A value of 5% or less is considered a low source of that nutrient while 20% or more is considered high.

Carbohydrates. If a label shows net carbs, it is referring to the carbohydrates, which significantly impact your blood sugar level. This is calculated by subtracting fiber from carbohydrates.

Note the FDA does not require a percent daily value to be listed for trans-fats, protein, and sugar because there isn’t a recommended daily amount. However these are important components of your diet.

read nutritional food labels facts

Do you suffer from food allergies? Look on the label before eating for statements such as “This product may contain traces of nuts.” or “Produced in a facility that uses tree nuts.”

If you are reading a cereal label, it will sometimes also give the percent daily value for the cereal when eaten with milk. Be sure to note the amount of milk, again compare it to what you normally use, and the type of milk. Fat free milk is often used on these labels.

How Can You Use This Information?

To lose weight – at a minimum, look at calories and fiber. Adults need 25–35 grams of fiber daily. Most Americans don’t get nearly this amount.

To build muscle – look at protein. The recommended daily allowance is 0.36 gram per pound of body weight but those who exercise need more. Professional athletes and bodybuilders often aim for 1.5 grams per pound of lean bodyweight.

To improve bone health – calcium. Women need 1,000–1,200 mg per day, older women need more. Calcium supplements are good but know that calcium citrate can be taken anytime, calcium carbonate needs more acid so take it with food. A person can absorb 300–500 mg of calcium at one time.

To lower cholesterol – fat. If you are overweight, reducing your calories and increasing your fiber can help.

To lower blood pressure – sodium. No more than 2400 mg/daily is recommended. Food with 140 mg is considered low sodium. Again, reducing calories to lose weight also helps.

Next on the packaging is the list of Ingredients which includes all ingredients used in making this product. They are listed in order of weight. The first 4 or 5 items comprise the vast majority of what you are eating.

read nutritional food labels facts

In the above example of Kellogg’s Corn Pops, corn, sugar, corn syrup, molasses and salt are the first five ingredients. So most of what you are eating is corn, sugar and salt. This product doesn’t have a high nutritional value and could prevent you from reaching your goal of losing weight or building muscle. Similarly, if flax seed oil, a product known for its health benefits, is near the end of the list, the amount is almost negligible.

With this information, you can make better-informed decisions that will help you improve your health!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Takeout Tips and Traps

What to watch out for

  1. Good things come in small packages. Unfortunately, most delivery food comes in large packages. It's rare that you can get someone to bring you one or two slices of pizza. You usually get the whole pie. And Chinese and Thai food come in those top-heavy tapered white boxes, so while it may seem you've only eaten half a container, you've actually gone through most of it. Before you dig into your freshly arrived repast, get a plate from your kitchen. (Come on, someone else cooked the dinner, you can wash one plate!) Put a serving on your plate and put the rest in the refrigerator for another time. By removing the extra food, you'll significantly reduce the chance that you'll power-eat your way through two or three meals' worth of calories straight out of the container.
  2. Don't eat the "minimum." One problem with delivery, especially for single people, is that there's usually a $10.00 or $12.00 minimum. If the entrée you order doesn't meet the minimum delivery cost, don't be lured into loading up your order with fatty appetizers or extra desserts just to ensure free delivery. Instead, order two individual-sized entrées and put one in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch or dinner. You'll save money on the delivery fee, plus that's two nights in a row you don't have to cook. You win!
  3. Watch your sides. Your diet's already in trouble since you have to order a banquet's worth of food just to get the delivery guy to show up at your door. Don't get talked into the add-ons like egg rolls, breadsticks, or chicken wings. Don't let a craving, a zealous phone order-taker, or just plain habit talk you into indulging in these unnecessary extras. Your pizza's already going to run you roughly 300 calories a slice (and do you honestly expect to stop at just one?); do you really want to add 300 calories' worth of wings to that?
  4. Read the fine print. The best thing about Chinese, Thai, and other ethnic menus is that since the dish is in a foreign tongue, they usually have to add a couple of sentences about what's in the item and how it's prepared. Look for words and phrases like "steamed," "boiled," "all white meat," etc. Stay away from words like "fried," "crispy," "cheese-filled," "creamy," etc. Also, some menus include heart icons next to the healthier items—keep an eye out for those!
  5. Spice it up. If you can take the heat, sprinkle some hot peppers on your pizza or order your food extra spicy! While some claims that spicy food will boost your metabolism are over exaggerated, there are some other benefits to eating the hot stuff. First off, peppers and curries add a lot of flavor without adding sodium, so pick dishes that emphasize spice over salt. Secondly, if your mouth is on fire, you might be encouraged to drink more water to cool you off. In addition to its myriad other benefits, water will help keep you feeling full, which helps a lot with portion control. (Avoid drinking high-calorie sodas, beers, or Thai iced tea [200 calories a serving] to put out the fire, though.)

What to order:

Most of the restaurants that deliver are local eateries, not national chains, so we can't give you specific nutritional information for all of them, but here are some tips for good things to order and bad things to avoid for three of the most popular categories of restaurant.


  • Get steamed. Order steamed rice, not fried, and go with brown rice if they have it—it has extra fiber.
  • Veg out. Look for the dishes that are mostly vegetables and are steamed rather than fried. If you order dishes like beef and broccoli, ask them for extra broccoli.
  • Soup it up. Egg-drop, wonton, and hot-and-sour soups are good low-cal, low-fat options (although they usually have plenty of sodium, so no extra soy sauce!). Fill up on some soup and put away half your entrée for later.
  • Grease: not the word. Stay away from deep-fried dishes like egg rolls, crispy orange chicken, General Tso's chicken, sweet-and-sour pork, etc.
  • Lay off the sauce. Watch out for sauces made with corn syrup or oil. Request low sauce or no sauce. An order of kung pao chicken seems healthy but it's sautéed in enough oil that it can have up to 76 grams of fat—more than an entire day's worth. If possible, ask how it's prepared.
  • Pass up the salt. Ask for low-salt options. Don't use the full-sodium soy sauce packets that come with your meal. Instead, invest in your own bottle of low-sodium soy sauce. Also, make sure your restaurant is one of the many that no longer use monosodium glutamate (MSG) in their dishes.
  • Switch it up. For dinner combos, see if you can substitute healthier options for the normal items. For example, at my Panda Express®, they'll give me an extra serving of steamed vegetables instead of the side of starchy chow mein or fried rice that it typically comes with.
  • The future is bright, and light! A fortune cookie has only 30 calories and no fat, and potentially brings good news or a daily affirmation—treat yourself!


  • Don't pick up that phone. It's hard to find healthy pizza and it's far better to make your own. If delivery's the only option, however, read on . . .
  • More veggies. Load up on veggie toppings like peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, fresh garlic, jalapeños, etc.
  • Less fat and/or less cheese. Ask for low-fat cheese, or ask them to use half the cheese.
  • Defeat the meat. Try to stay away from fatty meat toppings like pepperoni, meatballs, and sausage. Instead, try leaner options like Canadian bacon, chicken, or shrimp.
  • Bust the crust. Not all pizzas are created equal, and neither are their crusts. Most pizza chains list nutrition info on their Web sites, so make sure you take a look before ordering to ensure the smartest choice.


  • Lighten up. Many of the same tips for Chinese food apply to Thai food as well. Try to get steamed brown rice and lots of vegetables and stay away from heavy sauces and high-sodium dishes.
  • Don't get saucy. Satay is a good option, but try not to use too much of the peanut dipping sauce, if any; that's where your calories will start to add up.
  • Don't go (coco)nuts. Watch the coconut milk. It's delicious, but usually extremely fattening. Try to look for dishes flavored with ginger, citrus, curry, or chilies instead. Or ask if they can prepare your dish with low-fat coconut milk.
  • Hold the milk. Thai restaurants offer a lot of delicious low-fat soups that you can fill up on. They also have some soups that are high in fat because of coconut milk. Try and order soups that don't include it. And as with all soups, keep an eye on the sodium.
  • Green and lean. Thai cuisine includes many salads that are a meal in themselves, such as Yum Nuah (beef salad) or Pla Goong (grilled shrimp salad). Many of these have simple lime juice dressings that are low in fat. But, as with American salads, caveat emptor, and ask the restaurant what's in the dressing.
  • Go fish (or tofu). Check out the fish and tofu options. Even more than their Chinese counterparts, Thai restaurants have lots of dishes that feature seafood and tofu. And if you don't care for either, the Thai spices might just help you overcome your aversion.

So while it's unlikely you'll lose much weight on a takeout diet, there are still a lot of ways you can minimize the damage.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Understanding Fat

People think that to lose weight, you need to cut the fat out of your meals. As fat is higher in calories than protein and carbs and low-fat diets. But the trick is to eat the right kind of fat to increase satisfaction and boost weight loss. People who follow low fat diets lose less weight than people who followed low carb or moderate fat diets.

Fat is an important element in weight loss for several reasons:
* Fat helps your body control blood sugar and insulin spikes after eating carbohydrates. Better sugar metabolism means less fat storage.
* Fat slows down digestion and aids nutrient absorption. You'll stay fuller longer and get more health benefits from the food you eat.
* Essential fatty acids like omega-3s may boost your metabolic rate and increase fat burning.
* Fat tastes good. It also provides a "mouth feel" that is satisfying, which can help you be happy with less food.

Eating more fat may also help you stick to your diet longer. If you reach for a box of low-fat or fat-free crackers or cookies when you want to lose weight, you may actually be sabotaging your diet. Manufacturers frequently replace fat with sugar in packaged food items to make them taste better. You think you're making a good decision by eating fat-free products, but the excess sugar and refined flour can lead to fatigue, cravings, mood swings and weight gain caused by the overproduction of insulin, the fat-storage hormone. As a snack a sliced apple with some peanut butter or a salad with oil and vinegar dressing would be a better weight loss choice. The complex carbs and healthy fats will maintain your blood sugar levels, boost your energy and keep you satisfied longer.

So what kind of fat should you eat?
To get lean, you need to eat the right kind of fat. Avoid saturated and trans fats (which are found in red meat, full fat dairy products and many packaged foods) and instead choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Here are some of the best sources of fat to help you reach your weight goal.

1. Fish. Fish like salmon, albacore tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines contains beneficial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Olive oil. Heart-healthy oils like olive, canola and peanut oil are excellent sources of fat for dieters. They have also been shown to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Avocado. Eat a spinach and carrot salad with a little avocado and you'll only get a dose of good fat.

4. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts, pecans and peanuts are powerhouses of good nutrition full of antioxidants, minerals and monounsaturated fat. Those who ate nuts regularly (about an ounce per day) tended to weigh less than those who didn't. The protein, fat and fiber make nuts more filling, which helps dieters stay on track. Plus there's a psychological bonus to eating nuts: Because they're rich and satisfying, you probably won't feel like you're on a diet.

5. Flax seeds. Packing the triple wallop of fat, protein and fiber, flaxseeds are a delicious and healthful addition to any diet. You can grind them up and add them to oatmeal, yogurt, salads or vegetables or pretty much anywhere you want a nutty crunch. They're a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids for the non-fish-loving folks. Ground flax seeds also have 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon which helps slow digestion and keep your blood sugar stable.

Making room for fat

Certain fats might be considered necessary for health, but that's not a cue to overindulge. At 9 calories per gram, fat is a more concentrated energy source than either protein or carbohydrates (each has 4 calories per gram). You need to be mindful of your overall caloric intake if you want to eat more fat and lose weight. But when you feel full and satisfied after eating the right kinds of fat, you'll probably find it a bit easier to manage your calories.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fast Food Rules

There may be times when fast food is your only option. When this happens, follow these rules for a healthier fast food visit:

  1. Eat fast food occasionally, not as part of your daily or weekly routine.
  2. Do not Super-Size or you will Biggie yourself. Don't give in to the "more for less" thinking.
  3. Drink water or low fat milk, not soda. OK, pick a diet drink every now and then.
  4. Get a salad to go with your burger, wrap or sandwich or as your main entrée. Use half of the reduced calorie dressing.
  5. Avoid or limit anything that is deep-fried or breaded. Otherwise, you will eat half of your daily calorie requirement (or more) in one meal.
  6. Even if it's labeled as being healthy, it is probably still too big.
  7. Share your meal or doggie bag ½ of it BEFORE you start eating.
  8. Buy healthy sides like fruit or yogurt, if available.
  9. Skip the ice cream and cookies for dessert. Some cookies, alone, contain 500 calories!
  10. Make it a priority to exercise and eat well the rest of the day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a Few Do's and Dont's

Been very busy for the past weeks with work, gym and other personal stuff and havent had time to update.
But here are some Do's and dont's..

  1. Fill up on protein first! Start each day with a serving of protein!
  2. Ensure that ½ of each of your meals is lean protein.
  3. Try your best to eat unprocessed carbs such as vegetables of all kinds and fruits! if you eat pasta or similarly processed carbs, eat protein and fibrous veggies first!
  4. Health serving of healthy fats! Use olive oil based salad dressing, consuming fish oil (or eat fish regularly); and snack on healthy nuts like almonds, walnuts, and legumes like peanuts.


  1. Don’t drink sugar-filled calories; go for the sucralose containing diet sodas.
  2. Never consume a protein-less meal.
  3. No fruit juices.
  4. Don’t gorge. (Eat until your satisfied and spread it out over 6-7 smaller meals.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

3 Days into Phase 2

So Monday started my phase 2 into getting lean muscle weight. And it was kind of tough to get into the routine of lifting heavy. Specially with an injury that i have at the moment, that hurts me when i get up and when i sit down. Monday I did Back and Chest for 40mins max reps on the different type of push ups, about 15-20 reps doing chin ups, pull ups and wide pull ups and 8 reps on the different type of rows. After i finished I crashed...

Tuesday I was suppose to do HIIT Cardio but i could not. My injury kept me from bending down, jumping so i jumped in the elliptical machine and did 10mins, followed by 5x20 of crunches and 3x10 heels to the heavens. IT SUCKED. I was hurting the whole time and i could barely do the crunches.. At night I did a 1 set of reverse crunches and stopped because of the pain. So i did standing side crunches 3x12 and standing twists 50reps for my obliques, not so much pain there.

Today was my best day so far. Woke up eating an apple, had my multi vitamins, glutamine with my 3 slices turkey bacon and eggs and creatine. Snacked on a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. Ginseng with whole wheat pasta with tuna for lunch. Snacked on a whole wheat pita with 3 slices of turkey, an hour late some nuts. Had Hemo Rage for my Pre-workout shake with some amino acids, glutamine. Sipped on SyntheSize while working out Shoulders and Arms and i kicked ass by 8 reps max on every exercise! Hemo Rage really came through and kept me focus in my workout something other pre workout drinks did not do. Finished my workout and had some creatine, glutamine and amino acids. I'm about to eat some veggies with grilled chicken for dinner. I'm still pumped and energized feel like i could workout some more but I do no want to over train. 30mins before i hit bed i'm have some ZMA. And as i lay to sleep drink some casein protein to keep my body fed as i sleep! I was sore today when i woke up but now i'm all Pumped!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Phase 2. On my way to lean muscle!

I'm back for sure now for phase 2 of my transformation... I sort of had started a new workout to put some lean weight but a lot was going on and I started losing confidence and i was down for a while but recently I received great news and now I'm back baby!

So I've bought a quiet a few of supplements such as multi vitamins, zma, glutamine, creatine, amino acids, ginseng, casein protein. I got a free bottle of Hemo Rage for a pre workout drink. I've started eating vegetables for the first time in my life and i've also added blue berries to my post workout protein shakes. My diet is pretty much perfect. Around 2200 calories a day and 170g of protein daily. I'm weighed in today at 147.2 pounds. I'm surprised but not totally surprised that i lost another 3 pounds while not working out seriously like i was when i lost all the weight BUT my diet was pretty strict these 2 months! I'm eating 7 to 8 meals a day. Plenty of carbs in my breakfast and lunch, keeping my dinner with lean protein only and avoiding carbs after lunch.

My goal: 15 pounds of lean muscle weight in 3 months!

I will try to keep a daily blog of everything. Dont know how much i will succeed with that with a long hours at my job and battling my lower back and hamstring injuries. But I will try! Same with my workouts! I know I cant go too hard to not hurt myself more but I will keep pushing it!

This is me right now.. Hopefully in 3 weeks I'll look much better and bigger than that!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mass Gaining exercises!!!

One of my favorite personalities is Scooby. He is in his 40s, is in GREAT shape, can probably kick any of our asses in the gym but he posts videos not only teaching people how to lift AND nutrition! He does all his workouts at home and teaches you how to do it as well! I have seen all of his videos and some of my favorite are these Mass Gaining exercises.
PS: Do these once a month because they are not only hard but they will leave you sore for days!





Tuesday, March 29, 2011

6 Supplements to help you get huge muscle mass!

Last post I posted the perfect diet to help you lose weight and gain muscle weight. Now I got you all the best supplement packing to add to your perfect diet and making the best of your workout to make huge gains! This is thanks to David Robson. I read this a few years back and made great gains back in 2007 and I have now added to my diet to make even better gains this year again! So here you go, i'm happy to share this with you all.

1. Whey Protein

As a foundation for muscle gains, quality protein supplementation is without equal. And the best absorbed form often used specifically post-workout, and with meals to round out one's protein balance is whey protein. Whey protein has a high biological value and is extremely convenient to take. While protein obtained from food sources can provide more sustained protein levels (especially prior to bed to offset the fasting period that usually occurs during sleep), whey is rapidly shuttled into the muscles where it can exert its powerful anabolic effects.
I usually use whey protein twice a day - directly after training and first thing in the morning upon rising before breakfast to ensure a rapid uptake of protein to restore the drop in nitrogen levels from the previous night's sleeping/fasting state. It is worth noting here that to fully preclude this 8-10 hour fast one would need to wake once or twice throughout the night to consume protein. Thus, taking protein immediately upon waking is essential, and whey is, in my experience, the best form to take at this time.

2. Branch Chain Amino Acids

Since taking Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) regularly I have witnessed a noticeable improvement in muscle density and my recovery rate has also increased exponentially. As essential aminos, the BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine and valine) must be taken through the foods we eat. As the only three aminos metabolized directly by muscle tissue they are especially important for the immediate recovery of muscle tissue. They are used to build new proteins after hard training. As a primary muscle-building insurance policy, BCAAs should be on the top of anyone's supplement list.

3. L-Glutamine

Considered a conditionally essential amino acid, L-glutamine comprises up to 60 percent of free-from amino acids circulating in muscle tissue and is critical for muscle recovery. When other tissues need L-glutamine (for immune purposes, for example, of which L-glutamine is essential) they will often leach this amino from muscle stores, so supplementing it makes sense. If the muscles and the rest of the bodily systems have an abundant supply of L-glutamine, muscle tissue will be less likely depleted under conditions of stress. After a hard training session L-glutamine levels will be reduced throughout the body by as much as 50 percent. I have found the best way to supplement L-glutamine is to take 5 grams 3-4 times per day so the body has a constant supply. Adding it to protein shakes is an excellent way to include it in one's diet.

4. Creatine

When creatine hit the shelves in the early '90s, it quickly became the supplement of choice for athletes the world over. A supplement that can support increases in size and strength - as attested to by countless scientific studies - creatine (monohydrate, the version that, despite many new revolutionary forms, still seems to work best in the long run) will, for most, boost lean muscle mass and amplify strength gains.
I have personally found that when I'm not taking it my muscles become much flatter and energy levels tend to plummet. Creatine's major benefits - among many - are twofold. It increases muscle energy, allowing one to train harder and to reap the results. And secondly, it hydrates muscle tissue, which, over time, causes them to become bigger and stronger.
Naturally produced in the kidneys, pancreas and liver, creatine is transported to muscle tissue where it is transformed into creatine phosphate, from which the energy molecule ATP is produced to regenerate the muscles' ability to contract and generate power during short-burst (anaerobic) activity. This translates to more productive workouts and faster muscle growth. Though produced in the body, these levels are sufficient only for ongoing cellular function, not massive muscle growth, which in itself is not at all conducive for survival purposes. And relying on nutrition to significantly boost creatine is futile in that many pounds of raw meat would need to be eaten to extract five grams of creatine, the quantity provided in one teaspoon of creatine monohydrate powder. So supplementation is necessary to realize creatine's full benefits.

5. Omega-3 Fish Oil

The many health benefits to be derived from eating fatty, cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel are well documented. However, due to various contaminants, purity and quantity of essential fatty acids supplied, availability and price, gaining valuable Omega-3 fatty acids from these sources is often not ideal. Fish oil in supplemental form, on the other hand, provides the perfect ratio of these Omega-3's in the purest and most concentrated way possible.
To improve performance and build muscle a healthy physical state must first be attained as muscle can only grow when the right conditions are in place to do so. Omega-3 fatty acids may support blood circulation to allow nutrients such as protein and carbohydrates to reach muscle and exert their effects.
Omega-3s may also assist fat loss through maximizing metabolic rate and helping to form a foundation from which thermogenesis can occur. Joint lubrication and cardiovascular health are also major benefits to be derived from Omega-3 supplementation.

6. Vitamin/Mineral Supplement

A multivitamin and mineral supplement is not purely a bodybuilding supplement in terms of directly targeting muscle growth the way creatine and L-glutamine do. Taking a high potency and high quality vitamin/mineral product is a fundamental way in which to support the cellular conditions under which performance and muscle growth can occur. Though certain compounds like vitamin-C (comprising, along with A and E, the so called antioxidants) are thought to be of greater importance for immune function, it is the synergistic effect of all key vitamins and minerals taken in a specific ratio that will support the best results in health and subsequent tissue growth and function.
So-called doctors and nutritionists might tell us that the perfect ratio of vitamins and minerals can be achieved through eating a diet rich in certain fruits and vegetables. However, today's soil conditions, various pollutants, and the over processing of foods make it all but impossible to achieve such a perfect ratio. Even those who eat strictly "organic" do not get what they should as far as nutritional potency and quality is concerned.

Now that you know the what and the why. Here is how the supplements should go along with your diet:

Upon Rising (First Thing In The Morning):
30g Serving of Whey Protein
5g of Creatine
1 Serving of BCAAs

With Breakfast:
1 Multivitamin Tablet
5g Serving of L-Glutamine
1 tsp (or Serving) of Fish Oil

With Lunch:
1 tsp (or Serving) of Fish Oil

Before Training:
5g of Creatine or 1 scoop of a pre-workout drink
5g of L-Glutamine

Directly After Training:
5g of L-Glutamine
30g of Whey Protein

Before Bed:
30g of Whey Protein
5g of Glutamine
1 Serving of BCAAs

So to put it simply, with correct supplementation the process of building muscle, losing fat and amplifying performance is made significantly easier. And as opposed to less than natural means, the results are lasting.

Try this little exercise some time: follow the supplement plan provided above for at least three months. Then quit all supplement use for a further three months and watch what happens. Sure, most supplement marketing involves hype and some companies make laughably outrageous claims, but there is no secret as to why the supplement industry is booming. Supplements work.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fight to lose body fat and Gain muscles!

Ok let me start off by saying that this is only for people who are serious about losing weight. This should be your religion for what of a better world. Getting ripped requires the ultimate in dedication and commitment of your part. Stay away from the junk food and candy cuz the odds of ice cream here and the sneaky burger there will add up, and will have a big effect on your progress. There are a things to take note that will help to make your goals tangible. For example, we need to be taking in a small 'meal' every 2-3 hours while awake. A gallon of water per day is good but if you want real results than you need to drink about 6 liters(2 gallons) of water a day to move all of your nutrients to the muscle fibers that have torn up.

Alright than if you are still with me than here will be your schedule for the new 12 weeks. Yes 12 weeks, suck it up! Summer is coming and you know you want to look good. You are not going to die if you dont have some ice cream or pizza. You will love your body after and me for helping you out lol.

Breakfast at 6:30 AM:

6 Egg Whites
1 Whole Egg
Oatmeal with Pineapple
1 Flaxseed Oil

This gives everything you could possibly need in the morning right after you wake up as the eggs bring a very good dose of protein and the oats has a great supply of slow acting carbohydrates. I know you might be thinking why would i eat fat? Don't worry flax seed oil is good fat, very good. and its essential to fat loss. That way the body has time to burn them effectively as opposed to breaking it down to fat. The flaxseed oil brings essential fats to the diet, which helps keep us healthy, sane and prevent cravings(which is really good for the people that go all thinking about pizza, chocolate, donuts and all those bad things). Why pineapple? It give a nice taste to it. However it does brings some sugar but don't worry because this spikes our insulin levels which is not something we want any other time of the day except first thing in the morning when we wake up! This will boost your metabolism and brings you in to an anabolic state from a catabolic one. It's vital to your muscle development and fat loss. With this you will need a good amount of water to hurry all of these nutrients to every corner and curve of our body. Thats where all that water that i told you before will come into play...

Snack at 9:00 AM:
Protein Shake with Flax seed Oil OR Almonds, Raw Nuts OR Natural Peanut Butter with Celery OR Low Fat Plain Yogurt

Alright so here you gaining a good deal of protein intake which you should know by now that its vital to muscle maintenance as well as development. And again there will also be a healthy serving of carbohydrates, again slow acting and a high dosage of calories. For those worried, don't worry these calories are vital to prevent muscle loss and maximize muscle. So do not concern yourself with these calories, they will help lose fat.

Mid-Morning Snack at 11:30 AM:
Chicken Breast
Veggies (Brocoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Green Beans)
Flaxseed Oil

Now we are optimizing your progression by rewarding yourself with the best sources of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Again don't worry its good fat and this all contributes to later on when you are in the gym. And to the future where you want to eventually shed our current body fat.

Lunch at 2:00 PM:
Turkey Breast
Flaxseed Oil

The sweet potato brings in the best variety of carbohydrates and the turkey breast has a great deal of quality proteins with good fats.

Pre Workout Fuel Up!!! at 5:00 PM:
Nitric Oxide (15 mins before hitting the weights)

Creatine & glutamine will help you push your strength to new levels when eating this well. Plus afterwards you will recover quicker, mainly due to the glutamine. This in turn will leave you and your 'guns' feeling fresh for the next workout. Of course this all helps your campaign to burn that body fat and rip out. Nitric Oxide is my favorite supplement full stop, to me it's the closest thing to "hulking up" and it feels amazing after 5 minutes or so in the gym this magic formula will send blood flowing by the liter to the working muscles. And by speeding our heart rate up NO helps speed our metabolism and again promotes harder training. I personally use NO Shotgun but if you hardcore to just lose weight you might want to use a fat burner like Hydroxycut or whatever you think is better so it will give you more energy when at the gym. Banana well it gives you plenty of potassium!

Training at 6:00 PM!
Keep it under an hour. Lift heavy and ferociously. Don't forget to warm up before working out and to stretch when you are done!

Post-Workout Fun at 7:15 PM:
Protein Shake with skim milk

The apple is for fast acting carbs which keep us anabolic straight after the workout. I will tell you again you only want these kinds of carbs post workout and at breakfast.

Dinner at 8:30 PM!
Extra Lean Steak
Flaxseed Oil

This is a little different to the rest but the small difference is key to kicking that pot belly into touch. Yes we have protein and yes we have fats. However these fats are good and it is only saturated fats which we steer away from and the rest help burn body fat. The only nutrient which won't be included will be carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy. So after we have trained we do not need these again until breakfast. So remember if you decide to sneak a few cheeky carbs into your dinner, don't expect brick wall abs! Think about it do you prefer a potato, rice or pasta at dinner or those wash board abs for the summer? If you said option one than congratulations, you just messed up a very good thing you had going on!

Before Bedtime:
1 Cup of Cottage Cheese with 1 scoop of protein powder

Cottage Cheese is the best thing to have before going to be. This is to give your temple enough protein nutrients to feed the recovering muscle fibers while you're asleep. And this is the time to do so, as when we sleep we are most able to recover and build our muscle since Cottage Cheese is a slow absorbing protein. Plus this in turn will take us that extra mile to becoming ripped up like a rag.

That is it! lol Eat, train and sleep for the next 12 weeks. I guarantee none of you will be able to tell me you haven't dropped a significant amount of body fat. If you don't then ask yourself, "have I really followed this like my life depends on it?" Because look no one can do this for you, but yourself. Unfortunately in this instance I cannot 'bring the mountain to Mohammed; he has to come to the mountain.' Being ripped truly is a great feeling! So give it a try... You being a guy and want to have all the girls looking at your body and specially abs when you are at the beach. Ladies if you hate having guys stare at you than I'm sorry because you will have double the guys now drooling after you lol. Remember train hard! Get 7-8 hours of sleep! Follow this diet!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Understanding Your Body Fat Percentage

Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring "weight loss". When one declares that they want to "lose weight", what they often mean is that they want to lose fat. So, now that you've had your body fat percentage measured, what does the number really mean?

First, your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you are 150 pounds and 10% fat, it means that your body consists of 15 pounds fat and 135 pounds lean body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else).

A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions. Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy storage. The following table describes body fat ranges and their associated categories:

*General Body Fat Percentage Categories

Classification Women (% fat) Men (% fat)
Essential Fat 10-12% 2-4%
Athletes 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
Obese 32% plus 25% plus

*American Council on Exercise

Knowing your body fat percentage can also help you determine if your weight loss goals are realistic. Remember, weight loss doesn't always mean fat loss. For example:

Let's say you're a 130# woman with 23% body fat, and you goal is to "lose 20 pounds":

Initial body fat: 130# x 0.23 fat = 30 # body fat

Lean body mass: 130# total - 30# fat = 100# lean body mass (bones, organs and all else)

Goal: 130# - 20# = 110 pounds

As you can see, the goal of losing 20 pounds is not realistic or healthy. At 110 pounds, this woman still requires 100# of lean body mass (bones, organs, etc.), but would only be carrying 10#, or only 9% body fat. From the chart above, you can see that this is a dangerously low percentage.

A better goal might be for the woman to reduce her body fat from 23% to 18%. In this case:

130# x 0.18 = 23 # body fat

100# lean body mass + 23 # = 123# goal weight

So, for this individual to achieve a lean, but healthy 18% fat, she would need to lose only 7 pounds of fat, reducing her weight from her current 130 pounds to 123 pounds. Losing more than 7 pounds means losing lean body mass (usually metabolically-active muscle tissue), which is clearly not desirable.

So before you decide that you need to "lose weight", remember to consider that "weight" consists of both lean body mass and body fat. Try to keep your weight loss goals realistic, and remember, keep the calorie-burning muscle, and lose only the fat.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do not skip breakfast!

When you start on a diet to either lose weight or gain lean muscle weight it all starts with a good healthy breakfast! If you are in a rush grab a protein shake. And no even if you are losing weight you should have protein shakes, specially if you are exercising.
Remember to eat enough to satisfy your hunger but NOT make you full.

Some good examples of things you can eat for breakfast is:
apple, turkey bacon, whole wheat bread, almond butter, whole grain english muffin, oatmeal, egg whites..

If you looking to build lean muscle weight:
apple, turkey bacon, whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter, oatmeal, egg whites with 1 whole egg omelet with mushrooms or spinach. if you really want to take it to the next level add Whole Wheat Pasta with a Protein Shake.

Oh and Skim Milk is always better.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

cut alcohol

Tips for the weekend and summer:

Drinking alcohol will decrease the amount of glucose and amino acids by the skeletal muscles, they affect your energy supply and impairs the metabolic process during exercises.

Alcohol is like a central nervous system depressant, it can kill the strength gains you're seeking to both lose weight and gain lean muscle.

Alcohol is calorie dense it packs 7 kcal per gram. So if you are looking lose that stubborn layer of fat that covers your midsection you should strongly consider cutting back or preferably stop drinking altogether.

Trust me it won't take long to notice the weekly or daily subtraction of hundreds and most likely thousands of calories. A beer can range from 60 to 250 calories per serving, one shot of liquor contains up to 200 calories and when you're swallowing that in a sugary fruit juice or soda, you are looking at hundreds more calories per drink.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Workout and Nutrition Tips

As I go another in another 3 months transformation I will share daily tips that I have learned and come across in my journey.

Nutrition Tip:

To lose some fat and cut carbs out of your daily food intake try substituting white and flour foods for brown food. Such as instead of eating white rice eat Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Wheat Pita. Add some spices if you do like the taste of it BUT go easy on the salt.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My journey with building muscle and mass!

Over a hundred days went by after i lost 16 pounds and dropped from 167 to 151. And now comes the hard part! Maintaining my low body fat while putting on muscle and mass!

So i have changed up my diet once again. Not completely. As i'm want to keep being lean but i added turkey bacon to my breakfast, whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter as a snack and brown rice/whole wheat pasta to my dinner. while still eating egg whites/oatmeal with an apple for breakfast, tuna for lunch, cheese sticks for snack and chicken breast for dinner. as well as my protein shake after working out.

My home scale says i'm weighing 150.2lb. I'll check the one at the gym tonight how much i am and we'll see how much i will change in the first 3 weeks.

The first 3 weeks starting today ofmy workout will consist of all the major muscles in the body 3 sets for 8 to 12 reps. 3 times per week i work out and 1 day of sauna, steam and swimming.

Barbell Bench Press, Bent-Over Barbell Row, Squat, Barbell Shoulder Press, Triceps Pressdown, Barbell Curl, Standing Calf Raise and Crunches which i will do 3 sets till failure.

After each set i will take no longer than 45 secs of rest.

One last funny thing. Last month I was doing a check up at a clinic and nurse tells me to take my shirt off, i do so and turn around. She looks at me and with a different attitude and tone on her voice "Wow you look like King Leonidas!" I broke out laughing. Not only did i had the body to match what she said but i was rocking an afro and beard like his. Anyone that doesn't know who King Leonidas is:

See you in 3 weeks! HAUUUUUU!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

p90x results

So back in the beggining of November I started the program P90X. I had a great diet going, i didnt cheat once on the first month, the second month i changed my diet and i cheated twice, third month i wasn't seeing as much change so i stopped working out for 2 weeks and a half. Than my friends started going back to the gym so I went along, they worked out together and I worked alone so i could focus and be concentrated.

So February 27th i shaved my monstrous beard and decided to shave my chest and abs also, i was bored and didnt want to shave my head. When it was done i looked up in the mirror. ohhhhh yes!

Day 1

Day 31

Day 11x, February 27th