Monday, March 7, 2011

My journey with building muscle and mass!

Over a hundred days went by after i lost 16 pounds and dropped from 167 to 151. And now comes the hard part! Maintaining my low body fat while putting on muscle and mass!

So i have changed up my diet once again. Not completely. As i'm want to keep being lean but i added turkey bacon to my breakfast, whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter as a snack and brown rice/whole wheat pasta to my dinner. while still eating egg whites/oatmeal with an apple for breakfast, tuna for lunch, cheese sticks for snack and chicken breast for dinner. as well as my protein shake after working out.

My home scale says i'm weighing 150.2lb. I'll check the one at the gym tonight how much i am and we'll see how much i will change in the first 3 weeks.

The first 3 weeks starting today ofmy workout will consist of all the major muscles in the body 3 sets for 8 to 12 reps. 3 times per week i work out and 1 day of sauna, steam and swimming.

Barbell Bench Press, Bent-Over Barbell Row, Squat, Barbell Shoulder Press, Triceps Pressdown, Barbell Curl, Standing Calf Raise and Crunches which i will do 3 sets till failure.

After each set i will take no longer than 45 secs of rest.

One last funny thing. Last month I was doing a check up at a clinic and nurse tells me to take my shirt off, i do so and turn around. She looks at me and with a different attitude and tone on her voice "Wow you look like King Leonidas!" I broke out laughing. Not only did i had the body to match what she said but i was rocking an afro and beard like his. Anyone that doesn't know who King Leonidas is:

See you in 3 weeks! HAUUUUUU!

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