Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fight to lose body fat and Gain muscles!

Ok let me start off by saying that this is only for people who are serious about losing weight. This should be your religion for what of a better world. Getting ripped requires the ultimate in dedication and commitment of your part. Stay away from the junk food and candy cuz the odds of ice cream here and the sneaky burger there will add up, and will have a big effect on your progress. There are a things to take note that will help to make your goals tangible. For example, we need to be taking in a small 'meal' every 2-3 hours while awake. A gallon of water per day is good but if you want real results than you need to drink about 6 liters(2 gallons) of water a day to move all of your nutrients to the muscle fibers that have torn up.

Alright than if you are still with me than here will be your schedule for the new 12 weeks. Yes 12 weeks, suck it up! Summer is coming and you know you want to look good. You are not going to die if you dont have some ice cream or pizza. You will love your body after and me for helping you out lol.

Breakfast at 6:30 AM:

6 Egg Whites
1 Whole Egg
Oatmeal with Pineapple
1 Flaxseed Oil

This gives everything you could possibly need in the morning right after you wake up as the eggs bring a very good dose of protein and the oats has a great supply of slow acting carbohydrates. I know you might be thinking why would i eat fat? Don't worry flax seed oil is good fat, very good. and its essential to fat loss. That way the body has time to burn them effectively as opposed to breaking it down to fat. The flaxseed oil brings essential fats to the diet, which helps keep us healthy, sane and prevent cravings(which is really good for the people that go all thinking about pizza, chocolate, donuts and all those bad things). Why pineapple? It give a nice taste to it. However it does brings some sugar but don't worry because this spikes our insulin levels which is not something we want any other time of the day except first thing in the morning when we wake up! This will boost your metabolism and brings you in to an anabolic state from a catabolic one. It's vital to your muscle development and fat loss. With this you will need a good amount of water to hurry all of these nutrients to every corner and curve of our body. Thats where all that water that i told you before will come into play...

Snack at 9:00 AM:
Protein Shake with Flax seed Oil OR Almonds, Raw Nuts OR Natural Peanut Butter with Celery OR Low Fat Plain Yogurt

Alright so here you gaining a good deal of protein intake which you should know by now that its vital to muscle maintenance as well as development. And again there will also be a healthy serving of carbohydrates, again slow acting and a high dosage of calories. For those worried, don't worry these calories are vital to prevent muscle loss and maximize muscle. So do not concern yourself with these calories, they will help lose fat.

Mid-Morning Snack at 11:30 AM:
Chicken Breast
Veggies (Brocoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Green Beans)
Flaxseed Oil

Now we are optimizing your progression by rewarding yourself with the best sources of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Again don't worry its good fat and this all contributes to later on when you are in the gym. And to the future where you want to eventually shed our current body fat.

Lunch at 2:00 PM:
Turkey Breast
Flaxseed Oil

The sweet potato brings in the best variety of carbohydrates and the turkey breast has a great deal of quality proteins with good fats.

Pre Workout Fuel Up!!! at 5:00 PM:
Nitric Oxide (15 mins before hitting the weights)

Creatine & glutamine will help you push your strength to new levels when eating this well. Plus afterwards you will recover quicker, mainly due to the glutamine. This in turn will leave you and your 'guns' feeling fresh for the next workout. Of course this all helps your campaign to burn that body fat and rip out. Nitric Oxide is my favorite supplement full stop, to me it's the closest thing to "hulking up" and it feels amazing after 5 minutes or so in the gym this magic formula will send blood flowing by the liter to the working muscles. And by speeding our heart rate up NO helps speed our metabolism and again promotes harder training. I personally use NO Shotgun but if you hardcore to just lose weight you might want to use a fat burner like Hydroxycut or whatever you think is better so it will give you more energy when at the gym. Banana well it gives you plenty of potassium!

Training at 6:00 PM!
Keep it under an hour. Lift heavy and ferociously. Don't forget to warm up before working out and to stretch when you are done!

Post-Workout Fun at 7:15 PM:
Protein Shake with skim milk

The apple is for fast acting carbs which keep us anabolic straight after the workout. I will tell you again you only want these kinds of carbs post workout and at breakfast.

Dinner at 8:30 PM!
Extra Lean Steak
Flaxseed Oil

This is a little different to the rest but the small difference is key to kicking that pot belly into touch. Yes we have protein and yes we have fats. However these fats are good and it is only saturated fats which we steer away from and the rest help burn body fat. The only nutrient which won't be included will be carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy. So after we have trained we do not need these again until breakfast. So remember if you decide to sneak a few cheeky carbs into your dinner, don't expect brick wall abs! Think about it do you prefer a potato, rice or pasta at dinner or those wash board abs for the summer? If you said option one than congratulations, you just messed up a very good thing you had going on!

Before Bedtime:
1 Cup of Cottage Cheese with 1 scoop of protein powder

Cottage Cheese is the best thing to have before going to be. This is to give your temple enough protein nutrients to feed the recovering muscle fibers while you're asleep. And this is the time to do so, as when we sleep we are most able to recover and build our muscle since Cottage Cheese is a slow absorbing protein. Plus this in turn will take us that extra mile to becoming ripped up like a rag.

That is it! lol Eat, train and sleep for the next 12 weeks. I guarantee none of you will be able to tell me you haven't dropped a significant amount of body fat. If you don't then ask yourself, "have I really followed this like my life depends on it?" Because look no one can do this for you, but yourself. Unfortunately in this instance I cannot 'bring the mountain to Mohammed; he has to come to the mountain.' Being ripped truly is a great feeling! So give it a try... You being a guy and want to have all the girls looking at your body and specially abs when you are at the beach. Ladies if you hate having guys stare at you than I'm sorry because you will have double the guys now drooling after you lol. Remember train hard! Get 7-8 hours of sleep! Follow this diet!

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