Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fast Food Rules

There may be times when fast food is your only option. When this happens, follow these rules for a healthier fast food visit:

  1. Eat fast food occasionally, not as part of your daily or weekly routine.
  2. Do not Super-Size or you will Biggie yourself. Don't give in to the "more for less" thinking.
  3. Drink water or low fat milk, not soda. OK, pick a diet drink every now and then.
  4. Get a salad to go with your burger, wrap or sandwich or as your main entrée. Use half of the reduced calorie dressing.
  5. Avoid or limit anything that is deep-fried or breaded. Otherwise, you will eat half of your daily calorie requirement (or more) in one meal.
  6. Even if it's labeled as being healthy, it is probably still too big.
  7. Share your meal or doggie bag ½ of it BEFORE you start eating.
  8. Buy healthy sides like fruit or yogurt, if available.
  9. Skip the ice cream and cookies for dessert. Some cookies, alone, contain 500 calories!
  10. Make it a priority to exercise and eat well the rest of the day.

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