Monday, November 8, 2010

My Journey With P90X

For once in a long time i am taking care of me and thinking of me and me only. So i decided to start by getting healthy. Eating clean, no more junk, quitting soda and looking and feeling better about myself. Last week i started doing just that. Got myself eating food low in calories and full of protein, eating snacks in between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Working Out, doing yoga, and cardio 7 days a week. I normally wouldn't workout that much but I got the perfect workout schedule with the p90x program.
Monday was very hard, I never ate Tuna but after i did i was like ok not so bad i can do this. I worked out 2 hours later and for the first time in years my back was drenched in sweat. Than the abs exercises kicked my ass, i was gasping for air.
Tuesday I wake up and i'm completely sore! I had Plyometrics to look forward too, i was looking forward to it also but when i started the workout and i was 5 mins into the warm up my legs were already burning, but i kept going. At the ended i felt humiliated, i'm in worse shape than i thought.
Wednesday i was REALLY sore so I started taking glutamine 2x a day to help my body heal faster. Did shoulders and arms. It was alright but i didn't feel like i got a nice pump or workout when i was done. Bands are nice but i gotta get me some dumbbells for a harder workout and pumps. After i was done i did abs and it killed me once again.
Thrusday i woke up sore still. It was yoga day and I didn't think much of it, but i will never make fun of another guy for doing yoga again. It is NOT easy doing it for 1hr and a half when u were sore for 3 days in the legs, back and abs and never tried yoga before, i was actually in a some pain on my back. I also started hating tuna already. Just the thinking that i gotta eat it makes me sick.
Friday was Legs and Back again. I actually loved the legs exercises! My legs were so pumped up and they were buuuuuuuurning! It was pretty hard doing the one leg exercises but i did alright, same for the wall squats very hard i could not do them for more than 7 seconds. Once again Abs kicked my ass.
Saturday i woke and as soon as my feet hit the ground i almost feel on my face. My calves were VERY VERY sore. All day today I had to walk like a dumbass dragging my feet and knees bent cuz the calves hurt so much. Still today Monday 2 days later they hurt when i try to flex them. Later on i did Kempo X and it was my favorite workout along with back and legs. Punching, kicking, knees, elbows. No complaints there, loved it.
Sunday i had the option of either just resting or stretching. I chose to the stretching. Felt nice on my body after 6 days of sweating and soreness.
That was 7 days down and 83 days left to go! It will be tough, but i will get used to it and i will make it. This first month is all about high protein food and fat burning. Like i mentioned before i'm growing tired of tuna but i do love the egg white omelet with apple in the morning and the chicken breast for dinner. On the 1st of December my diet will change as well as my workouts, it will be the 2nd month for energy boosting.
Can't wait for day 30, 60 and day 90!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

make her love you even more...

This should apply more for couples who live together or are together all the time. Some of the stuff that women would love if it happened every once in a while.

- Be A Handyman. Most women don't know how to fix somethings, so do that for her.

- Get Her Flowers. It always brightens up their day and make them smile when they get flowers.

- Put Away Clothes. Your mother hated when you had your clothes all over the house. Your gf or wife probably does too!

- Chivalry. Open doors, carry heavy stuff, show them that chivalry is not dead.

- Cook. Most of the time its the woman that cooks at the house, it can be exhausting after a long day. So surprise her by cooking for her, or even bring home some food.

- Make Her Laugh. It's a fact that women love men that can make them laugh. Make a funny face, corny joke or anything that might her laugh and forget whatever problem or drama she is going through.

- Foreplay. I personally love foreplay and I know for sure that women that do too. Plus it always makes things more fun. So take foreplay serious, not 2 minutes, not 5 minutes.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Signs that she is a gold digger...

I for one have felt for a gold digger before in my life. Wasn't the best thing in the world. Getting used for what you have is not the best reason to be with someone.
So guys here are some ways to look out for and avoid those type of women!

- Expensive Items. a woman would much rather get a sentimental present that you made yourself or has low to almost no money value. Also look at the clothes, shoes and purses she uses.

- Her Friend. Look at her friends and see what they are like. If her friends are gold diggers than be warn of their influence with your woman.

- Curious About Your Financial Status. Need I say more? Why would a woman want to know how much do you have on the bank, what you own, what you drive...

- She Never Pays. I can't pay for every time I go out with a woman. If she pays or offers to pay at least her part or half than you are safe.

- Using Looks for Personal Gain. You know that girl that approaches you and asks if you will buy her a drink? Tell her you will buy her a drink after she buys you one, see what she does next.

- Status Obsessed. Ignoring people she would consider low class and would never get caught doing volunteer work or dating a guy who does volunteer or works in construction or painter. Be careful if you do OWN a company like that though.

- She's Out Of Your League. A 10 dating a 2 only happens in that movie. If she much hotter than you are and you happen to have a fat wallet, you do not tell her. If she ignores you than you already have your answer.

- Her goals. Gold diggers don't really have any goals in life other than money, diamonds, clothes or wealth. Beware of that gorgeous looking woman with a fancy dress, diamonds and no job.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

where is the respect?

Ok so look I have no problems for gay people. If I could I would vote in favor of same sex marriages, they deserve the same right as anyone else. They are also human like any other man or woman. BUT I DON'T appreciate being checked out, stared at, fantasied or ANYTHING like that when I'm at the gym taking a shower and changing. That's very disrespectful! SPECIALLY when after i leave the showers to go get changed and that person is staring at me, touching himself and making sure that on my way out I'll see it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

come on men, don't treat your woman like that!

Sure its fun to go out and do whatever the hell you want, drink, go clubbing, smoke and whatever else men like doing but do you really gotta be a jerk when it comes to women? What's the point of playing with a woman? I don't see any fun in it. Specially when its more than one woman at a time. You get laid and she gets another bad experience with a guy. Congrats asshole, you just ruined for us real men.
So what are you guys gonna do once you are 50, 60 and all your pals are old like you, they can barely walk without the help of their cane, some are going blind and deaf. You are growing old and you got no one. No wife, no kids, no grand kids. You going to be like those old people who hate everything and everyone. Worst of all alone. Because i guarantee you, the woman you are with right now, the one you treat like shit, lie and cheat on will leave you one day. And once that day comes, you are doomed. You think you are going to find someone after you are over 50? You might, a divorced woman with kids and grand kids. Think you can handle all that at once? Doubt it after your young crazy party life.
Find a woman that you can see yourself being with, at least for the time being. If she is pretty, got a big butt or boobs, or if she likes doing the same stuff as you do. That would be enough for a relationship. Be with her, treat her well, surprise her with gifts, flowers, cooking for her every once in a while. Women LOVE the little things. If she goes do her hair or nails, remember to compliment it, they love that.
If problems start to rise, try to settle them as easy and calm as you can. Don't get violent, loud and don't leave wherever you are to meet up with friends to get drunk, do drugs or pick up a random chick. Try to work it out. If the problems continue, sit down and have a frank conversation about it. That's the best think you can do, talk about. If it keeps up than take a break. But think twice about sleeping with someone while on a break or recently broken up.
If you like being with that woman than think twice about playing with her. Think about the future... She will be pregnant, carry your kid around for 9 months than go through an incredible amount of pain when he is born, she is going to be cooking for you, house will always be nice and clean when you get home from work, your beautiful and maybe bratty kid will grow up and give you grand kids. She will always be there for you the good and bad like panic attacks, heart attacks, stroke, cancer, she will always be there taking care of you.
The now is fun sure, you are young and you do all the things you love but think long term, the future. What is there for you in the future? A woman you really like or nobody because you decided to be an asshole to women? Women are amazing, they are lovely, beautiful, they are princess, treat them like one!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

set out goals.

Remember back in middle school or high school when your teachers would tell you to write a paper about where you want to be in 5 or 10 years? I found the essay i wrote in high school few days ago and I laughed the whole time. Back than i didn't care for much anything and somewhat took that as a joke. Now that I'm older, I look back i think of the things I could had done differently and where I might be now.
So i have decided to make myself a Bucket List. And hang it up on my wall. Somewhere that I'll see it all the time. To sort of remind me of all the things I want to do and accomplish in life before I die. It might seem silly but it's not. It's a really great way to always have that in the back of my mind.
I have a lot of things I dream of. So what's the first thing on my list? Buy a beach house.
What's would be yours?

Monday, July 19, 2010

never get in the middle, it never ends well..

Never ever get in the middle of 2 people, it never ends well!
It doesn't matter if you are friends or family. If you get in the middle, 1 it will not end well, 2 well it's done you are going to get an ear full and 3 one of the two people will be very mad at you.
Friends is bad because you like one person a lot and the other you have come to like because they are always around now that they are dating. You want your friends to be happy but yet the other you don't to be hurt. But whatever you do don't try to help one of them when there is a fight or a breakup. Specially the person who is not your friend. Friends are hard to come by, you don't want to lose that friendship. When something like this comes by again and you see it happening, you ignore what's going on. If you feel like you have something to say, don't. Or to help, you help YOUR friend IF he ASKS you.
I've learned to ignore the fights and arguments between my mother and her stupid ass boyfriend. Yes i hate the guy because he is an asshole but now i don't get in the middle cuz almost always when I did my mother would let it all out on me when I had nothing to do with it. So now i ignore it and keep on doing whatever it is that i'm doing. Same will now apply for my friends.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Come on women open your eyes!

So what is the deal with women dating the bad boy, the jerks, the assholes? l really don't get it. Is it a fantasy, is it a turn on or do they enjoy being treated like shit?
I can see some women wanting to date a guy that resembles their dad or a guy who takes charge. But why the asshole guy that treats you like shit? For yeeeears I had lady friends come to me for advice and ask my opinion and ALL of those times was because they were dating some asshole who considered himself a "bad boy". I've heard it all, guy goes out with his friends and leaves her hanging, guy goes drinking and does drugs, guy rather stay at his house playing video games, guy just ignores the girlfriend's calls and texts.
I can understand a guy wanting some time alone but not being an asshole just because he wants to. Women who get cheated on, lied to, had a hand raised to them and threatening to hit them... what's the point of being with a guy like that? The thrill? "oh i love him." How could you possibly love a guy that cheats, lies, ignores and threatens to hit you? That is not love!
Do you women seriously think you have a future with a man like that? How would you like to go through the rest of your life if you have a kid with a guy like that? Do you think he is going to change if one day you 2 get married? One day those little arguments will turn to fights and him eventually disappearing and doing god knows what.
Don't be afraid to leave a guy like that. You are not going to be single and alone the rest of your life!! That is not true! All you women in the world are gorgeous in your own way and you all have something great about you that will have a guy going crazy about you! You will always find someone better out there.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I know a lot of Americans are against immigrants, that they think illegal immigrants are taking over the jobs of hard work Americans and what not. But what about the people that came here like myself when we were little kids? Do we deserve to be rounded up and kicked out of the country? A lot of the people that came here when they were really young consider themselves Americans and want nothing to do with their country.
Not only that but we are also the future of this country. The economy has gone down the drain. Now think about it, there are millions of illegal immigrants in this country. A lot of us want to go to school, buy a house, buy a car, open our own business. But we can't because we do not have a social security. This country could make so much money out of us illegal immigrants. Immigrations fees, Fees for staying in this country illegally, lawyers fees, people buy cars, buying houses, opening businesses, kids going to college, all of those people HAVING to pay taxes. That would be such a HUGE economy boost!
But do it right, if you have a dirty sheet in this country sorry you are out, if you came here through mexico you are out, if you have a letter of deportation you are out. You are welcome to try and come back in 5 years though, but we can't guarantee you will be able to. But if we here for years, we never been arrested or anything wrong other than stay here beyond our visa date than make us legal.
I really don't get why some American's hate illegal immigrants so much. Those people do the jobs that some of you don't want to do, clean people's toilet, build your houses, clean your yards, take care of the kids you made...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Don't promise something if you can't keep it...

I have no respect for people who does a lot of things but most recently a new one for me is people who go back on their word and breaks a promise. Not only is that disrespectful but when you make a promise, almost every single time the other person is very happy and looking forward to it. Making plans, already making decisions along the way. I was really counting on this person to help me as she promised, something that would completely turn my life around and help me in every aspect of my life.
If you are one those people think twice before making a promise to someone else and think twice before you break your promise. It can really be heartbreaking and annoying.