Thursday, July 29, 2010

come on men, don't treat your woman like that!

Sure its fun to go out and do whatever the hell you want, drink, go clubbing, smoke and whatever else men like doing but do you really gotta be a jerk when it comes to women? What's the point of playing with a woman? I don't see any fun in it. Specially when its more than one woman at a time. You get laid and she gets another bad experience with a guy. Congrats asshole, you just ruined for us real men.
So what are you guys gonna do once you are 50, 60 and all your pals are old like you, they can barely walk without the help of their cane, some are going blind and deaf. You are growing old and you got no one. No wife, no kids, no grand kids. You going to be like those old people who hate everything and everyone. Worst of all alone. Because i guarantee you, the woman you are with right now, the one you treat like shit, lie and cheat on will leave you one day. And once that day comes, you are doomed. You think you are going to find someone after you are over 50? You might, a divorced woman with kids and grand kids. Think you can handle all that at once? Doubt it after your young crazy party life.
Find a woman that you can see yourself being with, at least for the time being. If she is pretty, got a big butt or boobs, or if she likes doing the same stuff as you do. That would be enough for a relationship. Be with her, treat her well, surprise her with gifts, flowers, cooking for her every once in a while. Women LOVE the little things. If she goes do her hair or nails, remember to compliment it, they love that.
If problems start to rise, try to settle them as easy and calm as you can. Don't get violent, loud and don't leave wherever you are to meet up with friends to get drunk, do drugs or pick up a random chick. Try to work it out. If the problems continue, sit down and have a frank conversation about it. That's the best think you can do, talk about. If it keeps up than take a break. But think twice about sleeping with someone while on a break or recently broken up.
If you like being with that woman than think twice about playing with her. Think about the future... She will be pregnant, carry your kid around for 9 months than go through an incredible amount of pain when he is born, she is going to be cooking for you, house will always be nice and clean when you get home from work, your beautiful and maybe bratty kid will grow up and give you grand kids. She will always be there for you the good and bad like panic attacks, heart attacks, stroke, cancer, she will always be there taking care of you.
The now is fun sure, you are young and you do all the things you love but think long term, the future. What is there for you in the future? A woman you really like or nobody because you decided to be an asshole to women? Women are amazing, they are lovely, beautiful, they are princess, treat them like one!

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