Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I know a lot of Americans are against immigrants, that they think illegal immigrants are taking over the jobs of hard work Americans and what not. But what about the people that came here like myself when we were little kids? Do we deserve to be rounded up and kicked out of the country? A lot of the people that came here when they were really young consider themselves Americans and want nothing to do with their country.
Not only that but we are also the future of this country. The economy has gone down the drain. Now think about it, there are millions of illegal immigrants in this country. A lot of us want to go to school, buy a house, buy a car, open our own business. But we can't because we do not have a social security. This country could make so much money out of us illegal immigrants. Immigrations fees, Fees for staying in this country illegally, lawyers fees, people buy cars, buying houses, opening businesses, kids going to college, all of those people HAVING to pay taxes. That would be such a HUGE economy boost!
But do it right, if you have a dirty sheet in this country sorry you are out, if you came here through mexico you are out, if you have a letter of deportation you are out. You are welcome to try and come back in 5 years though, but we can't guarantee you will be able to. But if we here for years, we never been arrested or anything wrong other than stay here beyond our visa date than make us legal.
I really don't get why some American's hate illegal immigrants so much. Those people do the jobs that some of you don't want to do, clean people's toilet, build your houses, clean your yards, take care of the kids you made...

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