Sunday, May 29, 2011

Understanding Fat

People think that to lose weight, you need to cut the fat out of your meals. As fat is higher in calories than protein and carbs and low-fat diets. But the trick is to eat the right kind of fat to increase satisfaction and boost weight loss. People who follow low fat diets lose less weight than people who followed low carb or moderate fat diets.

Fat is an important element in weight loss for several reasons:
* Fat helps your body control blood sugar and insulin spikes after eating carbohydrates. Better sugar metabolism means less fat storage.
* Fat slows down digestion and aids nutrient absorption. You'll stay fuller longer and get more health benefits from the food you eat.
* Essential fatty acids like omega-3s may boost your metabolic rate and increase fat burning.
* Fat tastes good. It also provides a "mouth feel" that is satisfying, which can help you be happy with less food.

Eating more fat may also help you stick to your diet longer. If you reach for a box of low-fat or fat-free crackers or cookies when you want to lose weight, you may actually be sabotaging your diet. Manufacturers frequently replace fat with sugar in packaged food items to make them taste better. You think you're making a good decision by eating fat-free products, but the excess sugar and refined flour can lead to fatigue, cravings, mood swings and weight gain caused by the overproduction of insulin, the fat-storage hormone. As a snack a sliced apple with some peanut butter or a salad with oil and vinegar dressing would be a better weight loss choice. The complex carbs and healthy fats will maintain your blood sugar levels, boost your energy and keep you satisfied longer.

So what kind of fat should you eat?
To get lean, you need to eat the right kind of fat. Avoid saturated and trans fats (which are found in red meat, full fat dairy products and many packaged foods) and instead choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Here are some of the best sources of fat to help you reach your weight goal.

1. Fish. Fish like salmon, albacore tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines contains beneficial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Olive oil. Heart-healthy oils like olive, canola and peanut oil are excellent sources of fat for dieters. They have also been shown to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Avocado. Eat a spinach and carrot salad with a little avocado and you'll only get a dose of good fat.

4. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts, pecans and peanuts are powerhouses of good nutrition full of antioxidants, minerals and monounsaturated fat. Those who ate nuts regularly (about an ounce per day) tended to weigh less than those who didn't. The protein, fat and fiber make nuts more filling, which helps dieters stay on track. Plus there's a psychological bonus to eating nuts: Because they're rich and satisfying, you probably won't feel like you're on a diet.

5. Flax seeds. Packing the triple wallop of fat, protein and fiber, flaxseeds are a delicious and healthful addition to any diet. You can grind them up and add them to oatmeal, yogurt, salads or vegetables or pretty much anywhere you want a nutty crunch. They're a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids for the non-fish-loving folks. Ground flax seeds also have 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon which helps slow digestion and keep your blood sugar stable.

Making room for fat

Certain fats might be considered necessary for health, but that's not a cue to overindulge. At 9 calories per gram, fat is a more concentrated energy source than either protein or carbohydrates (each has 4 calories per gram). You need to be mindful of your overall caloric intake if you want to eat more fat and lose weight. But when you feel full and satisfied after eating the right kinds of fat, you'll probably find it a bit easier to manage your calories.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fast Food Rules

There may be times when fast food is your only option. When this happens, follow these rules for a healthier fast food visit:

  1. Eat fast food occasionally, not as part of your daily or weekly routine.
  2. Do not Super-Size or you will Biggie yourself. Don't give in to the "more for less" thinking.
  3. Drink water or low fat milk, not soda. OK, pick a diet drink every now and then.
  4. Get a salad to go with your burger, wrap or sandwich or as your main entrée. Use half of the reduced calorie dressing.
  5. Avoid or limit anything that is deep-fried or breaded. Otherwise, you will eat half of your daily calorie requirement (or more) in one meal.
  6. Even if it's labeled as being healthy, it is probably still too big.
  7. Share your meal or doggie bag ½ of it BEFORE you start eating.
  8. Buy healthy sides like fruit or yogurt, if available.
  9. Skip the ice cream and cookies for dessert. Some cookies, alone, contain 500 calories!
  10. Make it a priority to exercise and eat well the rest of the day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a Few Do's and Dont's

Been very busy for the past weeks with work, gym and other personal stuff and havent had time to update.
But here are some Do's and dont's..

  1. Fill up on protein first! Start each day with a serving of protein!
  2. Ensure that ½ of each of your meals is lean protein.
  3. Try your best to eat unprocessed carbs such as vegetables of all kinds and fruits! if you eat pasta or similarly processed carbs, eat protein and fibrous veggies first!
  4. Health serving of healthy fats! Use olive oil based salad dressing, consuming fish oil (or eat fish regularly); and snack on healthy nuts like almonds, walnuts, and legumes like peanuts.


  1. Don’t drink sugar-filled calories; go for the sucralose containing diet sodas.
  2. Never consume a protein-less meal.
  3. No fruit juices.
  4. Don’t gorge. (Eat until your satisfied and spread it out over 6-7 smaller meals.)