Wednesday, October 6, 2010

make her love you even more...

This should apply more for couples who live together or are together all the time. Some of the stuff that women would love if it happened every once in a while.

- Be A Handyman. Most women don't know how to fix somethings, so do that for her.

- Get Her Flowers. It always brightens up their day and make them smile when they get flowers.

- Put Away Clothes. Your mother hated when you had your clothes all over the house. Your gf or wife probably does too!

- Chivalry. Open doors, carry heavy stuff, show them that chivalry is not dead.

- Cook. Most of the time its the woman that cooks at the house, it can be exhausting after a long day. So surprise her by cooking for her, or even bring home some food.

- Make Her Laugh. It's a fact that women love men that can make them laugh. Make a funny face, corny joke or anything that might her laugh and forget whatever problem or drama she is going through.

- Foreplay. I personally love foreplay and I know for sure that women that do too. Plus it always makes things more fun. So take foreplay serious, not 2 minutes, not 5 minutes.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Signs that she is a gold digger...

I for one have felt for a gold digger before in my life. Wasn't the best thing in the world. Getting used for what you have is not the best reason to be with someone.
So guys here are some ways to look out for and avoid those type of women!

- Expensive Items. a woman would much rather get a sentimental present that you made yourself or has low to almost no money value. Also look at the clothes, shoes and purses she uses.

- Her Friend. Look at her friends and see what they are like. If her friends are gold diggers than be warn of their influence with your woman.

- Curious About Your Financial Status. Need I say more? Why would a woman want to know how much do you have on the bank, what you own, what you drive...

- She Never Pays. I can't pay for every time I go out with a woman. If she pays or offers to pay at least her part or half than you are safe.

- Using Looks for Personal Gain. You know that girl that approaches you and asks if you will buy her a drink? Tell her you will buy her a drink after she buys you one, see what she does next.

- Status Obsessed. Ignoring people she would consider low class and would never get caught doing volunteer work or dating a guy who does volunteer or works in construction or painter. Be careful if you do OWN a company like that though.

- She's Out Of Your League. A 10 dating a 2 only happens in that movie. If she much hotter than you are and you happen to have a fat wallet, you do not tell her. If she ignores you than you already have your answer.

- Her goals. Gold diggers don't really have any goals in life other than money, diamonds, clothes or wealth. Beware of that gorgeous looking woman with a fancy dress, diamonds and no job.